v3.8 [Dec 20, 2017]
- Dramatic (~20x) performance boost in find-in-log and save-log-as-text.
Thanks to the new server-side range processors feature in the Ninja Scroll logging engine, searching through multi-gigabyte logs (collected, for example, over a weekend) is no longer a problem. The same goes for saving log as text — the speed of these operations increased by an order of magnitude compared to versions prior to 3.8.5.
- New Informational pane with throughput calculator, checksum calculator, session stats, etc.
IO Ninja features a pane on the right of the main window with all kinds of useful information: throughput, total TX and RX byte counters, session time, checksums of the selected range (CRC-16, CRC-32, IPv4, etc). Of course, you can always hide it — if it's too much information for you.
- New Tibbo Modbus Gateway Monitor plugin.
IO Ninja provides a native plugin for monitoring a line of Modbus Gateway devices from Tibbo — conveniently relay, decode and analyze Modbus traffic flowing through our Modbus gateways.
- Support for ARP/InARP protocols in the Network Sniffer plugin.
Of course, this had to be done long time ago... but it was waiting for some real-world incentive — which presented itself during a recent debugging session over one tricky ARP-cache related issue. And voila, support for ARP/inverse ARP is finally here.
- Lots of BUGFIXes and other improvements.